Useful Links and Resources
Facebook Groups
Want to join a like-minded group of giant vegetable growers on Facebook?
Southern Hemisphere Giant Pumpkin Growers
Giant Vegetable Community
The Giant Vegetable Group
How to Grow World Class Giant Vegetables
Detailed instructions for how to grow giant vegetables
Children's Book:
Heavy, Heavier, Heaviest... Mary and Henry Grow a Giant Pumpkin
EGVGA (Europe)
Forums and Grower Diaries
Big Pumpkins.com
Our northern hemisphere cousins
They have useful information about the varieties of seed to use included in their judging guidelines, although these differ from the AGPVS judging guidelines so remember to check with us prior to getting your specimen weighed or measured.
Giant Veg (UK)
Grow guides and tutorials
Always check the regulations before attempting to import seeds